Sharing the love of Jesus.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule…” - Genesis 1:26


According to Genesis 1:26, it has always been God’s plan and purpose that man would manage His earth. We know that in the fallen state of mankind, there are those who have much and those who have little. God has called us as the body of Christ, to bring balance to this by redistributing His resources to those who need.



Ministers Roy & Ferneil White, Founders, CDRRC

Over the years of continual exposure to the lives of the families they’ve ministered to through “Prison Outreach Ministries”; a ministry they launched in 1998, The White’s saw the undeniable need for a venue where resources could be made available to these and other families who struggle to make ends meet.  

In addition, Minister’s White experienced financial struggles themselves years back and as God has delivered them through, they have a sincere desire to be used by Him to comfort others with the comfort they’ve received.  

The family which includes four children and four grandchildren all serve the Lord in some capacity.  Glory belongs to the Lord who is faithful to do what He promises and purposes in His heart.  The White’s have raised their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and want to leave a legacy of faithful service to the Lord as an inheritance to the generations ahead.  “Afterall, we are only in this lifetime once and then eternity”.  

They ask the Lord to bless His heritage, His people to live their best lives by diligent application of His Word.  God has nothing but “good continually” thoughts about you and I.

“We hold up their arms as they move forward in life with a positive outlook.”


If you or someone you know could benefit from the services provided at CDRRC, contact us today!